I started this page to really set in motion a chain of events that would lead me to creating my own website. I still think that this is the right first step, but life has a way of delaying the best laid plans. Since my first, last, and only post here (in July), I've started teaching again, registered for fall classes at two different colleges, and have been completely overwhelmed with the responsibilities and pressures of keeping up a home by myself. I knew what I was getting into when my wife took a job in Alaska, while I had to stay in Oregon continuing to teach and go to school; but that doesn't make it any easier. I've been extremely busy ever since she left, and unfortunately it's only going to get busier for me as I start my college classes next week. But an artist's work is never done. I've also got a show opening in Portland on October 7th, which means I have to submit work next week as well.
The show is entitled "Pets and Portraits" and is being held at the Splendorporium Gallery in SE Portland. This will be my third show at Splendorporium, and I'm hoping this one will be particularly successful for me. Much of my work consists of ethereal imagery, and I've been working on a series called "Watchers" for about a year now. These pieces are reminiscent of the feeling I had growing up, playing in the woods at my grandparents' house thinking I was being watched. When I turned around and saw that no one was there, it was an eerie enough feeling to make the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I'm constantly trying to rediscover those feelings and emotions I had growing up that shaped me into the person I am today. Some of these pieces are fairly benevolent, a spirit to watch over me perhaps, and keep me from harm. Others are the flip side of the coin. There's always a struggle of good and evil, right or wrong in our lives. I hope that I've been able to convey that in this series.

20X26 Watercolor on Yupo
2010, the first of the series that will be on display for the upcoming show. Follow the link below to see more.