So I decided to start a Tumblr feed as well as this space...exposure you know? I figure not everybody does facebook, and not everybody uses blogger, so what the heck? Tumblr allows people to follow on their mobile devices. So cool, whatever. Here's the link, and if you follow it through, you'll see some of my most recent thoughts and work.
In the mean time, check this new one out. It's a combination of conte and ink on Yupo. It has the potential to be really fun, but the problem is the ink doesn't like to dry very ever. It's been a month and this one is still tacky to the touch in places.
In Dreams
Conte & Ink on Yupo
I really like this one Eric. The eyes and the blue coming out of the dark black/grey shadows are fantastic. It really reminds me of the sly foxes out here.